The Walla Walla Housing Authority stands against racism and is committed to advancing equity and social justice in the communities we serve.

Our vision is to have a community where everyone is housed.


The Housing Authority of the City of Walla Walla was established in 1972 by City resolution.  The Mayor appoints a five-member Board of Commissioners who serve a staggered five-year term.  The Board of Commissioners appoint a Housing Choice Voucher participant to serve a three-year term.  The Board of Commissioners establishes the missions, goals, and policies of the WWHA as a whole. 

The Board of Commissioners are:

Chair, Emily Tillotson

Vice-Chair, Frank Alvarez

Commissioner, Doug Bayne

Commissioner, Eric Schmid

Commissioner, Jill Zagelow

Participant Commissioner, Lorna Smith

Elizabeth Chamberlain, City Manager, Ex-Officio

We are an independent, public corporation that administers federally, state, and privately funded housing assistance programs, comprised of physical rental units and rental assistance programs.  We also manage owned market-rate housing.

WWHA Annual Plan

WWHA Five-Year Plan


Throughout Walla Walla and Columbia Counties, we are serving more than 1,740 households.  We serve families with children, families with special needs (disabilities), elderly households aged 55+, individuals, households coming from homelessness, and veterans.