Current Participants
As a participant of a rental assistance program through the Walla Walla Housing Authority, we strive to provide you with valuable and accessible information. The following is a list of frequently asked questions:
When is my rent due?
Rent is due by the first of every month and made payable to your landlord directly. Review your lease agreement to be aware if and when a late fee may apply.
What do I do if I have income or family changes?
Any changes in your income and/or family composition are required to be reported to the Walla Walla Housing Authority, in writing, within ten business days of the change. Adding additional family members requires your landlord's written permission. Failure to report changes timely may result in adverse action.
What do I do if something needs to be repaired in my home?
Please contact your landlord immediately when repairs are needed in your home.
Can I move and transfer my rental assistance?
Yes, in most cases you can move and transfer your rental assistance providing you have met your initial lease obligation. Contact your Rental Assistance Specialist to find out for sure.
Who do I contact if I have other questions?
Walla Walla Housing Authority's Rental Assistance Division is here to help with all your questions. In-person meetings are by appointment only.
Reach out to your Rental Assistance Specialist. If you participate in the Housing Choice Voucher Rental Assistance Program and your last names begins with:
A - G contact Sarah Laughery 509-527-4609
H - N contact Deanna Baker 509-522-7815
O - Z contact Ruby Gonzalez 509-527-4608, si habla espanol
If you participate in the following programs, contact Alyssa Langford (509-526-6277
HOME Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)
Project Based Voucher (PBV) programs for Belmont, Emerald Family Properties, Evergreen Commons, Marjorie Terrace or Rosehaven Cottages
Foster Youth Initiative (FYI)
If you have any questions about eligibility or portability/transferring your voucher from or to Walla Walla, contact Elena Garcia (509.527.4612, si habla espanol).