Foothill Homes
Offering 25 three-bedroom/one-bath units located throughout Walla Walla, each site is close to public transit with the following amenities:
EnergyStar appliances including range, refrigerator, dishwasher, garbage disposal, washer, and dryer
Central heat and air conditioning
Water/Sewer/Garbage services included with rent
Cable TV and telephone ready
Yard and landscape maintenance
Professional, responsive management staff
Scattered sites throughout Walla Walla, Washington
$400 security deposit / monthly rent is unsubsidized
Click Here to Apply Through Our Online Portal
Income and Rent Limits Apply. Rent, including an estimate of resident-paid utilities, are restricted for qualified residents living in WWHA Affordable Housing Units. Rents are based on the unit bedroom size, regardless of number of persons renting the unit. Rents are tied to the household income level.
Income limits and rent calculations are established by the Washington State Housing Finance Commission for Foothill Homes using the 60% limit.